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Friday, August 31, 2007 8:29 AM
About Royston and his style


About him:

Royston Tan, born on 5th October was graduated from Temasek Design School from Diploma in Visual Communication.

His most recent work would be "881", was screened on 9th August. The key story structure was done in an hour, the outline of the film in one night, the script was done in 3 weeks and filmed in 22 days.

Like many other well known directors, he cilmbed his way up from scratch. His career started off in 1993 as a food caterer for the crew, cast and director.

After much research and watching his featured films and short films like "4:30", "881" and "15", I realised that almost all of his works are based on one style; "try to give a voice to the marginalized society".

However, if he don't like something, he will also critise in his film like "Cuts" criticized about the censorship board in Singapore. This act resulted much attention given to him from the censorship board and has been closely watched by the media.

Being a rebel and an artistic freedom-fighter doesn't gain him much friends. He felt that he's an outcast and with his films being critizied so badly. Eric Khoo said that he is a "hero to the city's independent artists."

Even so much of critisms he got locally, he was very much appreciated in international level. He has won a total of 51 awards to date. He was also named as the Time Magazine's 20 Asian Heroes under the age of 40. The magazine also celebrated him as "iconoclast".

He explored pretty much genres such as Musical, MTVs, short films and featured films.

His Styles:

If you had watched his films, you would have noticed that his films are based on the feelings of the "outcasted people in the society".

15 talks about gangster being gay,
4:30 talks about how people feel lonely at times and how they longed to be loved.

His films are always very dull looking. I must emphasized that they are colourful but dull. His works are always being washed to make it look very old and it gave this, lonely feeling.

In his films, you can feel this emo, lonely feeling but even so, he would never forget to add in humour. Like in "4:30", an almost silent movie with less than 30 sentences throughout the hour plus film, he was able to add in humour.

He uses long still shots very often but alot of directors used that tatic so I won't say that's his style. This piece of information is purely for sharing.

And one thing, he wrote all his script by himself. He felt that if he would let someone else to do the scripting for him, he won't be able to get into the mood so he rather do the scripting himself however, he's looking for someone to work with him.

Some of his poster design

From "4:30"


Screen shots

From "Cuts"


From "15"


Courtesy of Youtube.com


4:30 Trailer

881 Trailer

15 Trailer

nehneh signed off

8:29 AM
About me and my style

About myself:

Born on 12th April 1988 so that makes me 19 this year. I don't think this is important.

I never thought that I would be able to enter design school and finally found what I've been wanting to do after so long - a film maker.

Majoring in film, I'm now an aspired film maker. Probably I would start being an indepedent film maker. I see myself as a independent film maker in 5 years time who is also working in a well known film production company.

Currently I've been working on a story for my FYP. I don't know if it's too early but I think that the story that I've been working on is not bad. Hopefully I'll be able to bring it to bigger screen other than the one that has being in my mind.

I think my strength lies in scripting and story generating.

I believe that PASSION is the word.

My Styles:

I am still exploring for my own style. As a student I think I need to try out everything before I settle myself for a particular style.

However, having done two group projects in TPDS, I've come to realise that I'm more of a horror-humour person.

Out of the two projects that I've done in school so far, both of them are horror-humour (the one that I'm working on currently is not though).

I'm interested in photography and they are always very colourful and high in contrast. I love taking scenery (especially clouds) and objects.

My Works:


Taken at Kallang Bridge

Taken at Jurong

Taken at Tampines bus interchange

Taken at Tampines Mall indoor playground

Taken at Vivo mart

This is a snap pic of Nicholas while we were having our P1 in Design Space. I like the bubble effect and the lightings.

nehneh signed off

8:27 AM
The fusion between the styles

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
This is the initial work.

This is the final one

Model: Angel Ho, Mark Toh
Image size: 5.2 by 2.8 (inches)

The initial work was to emphasis on the red colour of the Coke bottle. However, after much consultation, I've changed the concept. The new work is to show how the model, Angel lost her colours in 3 frames.

Royston's works are always very dull while mine, exactly the opposite. Thus I decided to fuse the both styles together by making the overall look very dull yet the object remain its original bright colour.

The picture is supposed to depict horror and humour. It's a fushion of Royston's and my style as well. He has never done horror film before, and I've never done emo films before yet both of us has comedy effect in our work thus I decided to keep this humour effect and add in horror which he had never done before.

By concentrating only on his featured films, I realised that they does not have much conversation in them. He wanted to show his film to the audience through visual which is the real meaning behind a film - to communicate through visual. He said "I think the important thing of a film is not the script but the emotions it bring across to the audience."

Thus, with this, I decided to do a simple layout and design so that I can also "communicate through visual".

nehneh signed off


Lee Shue Ting, Fiona
Moving Images
Desti, T03


8th Sept - Edited the final work. Added in reference source
5th Sept - DONE! Waiting to show Elvis so he can comment
2nd Sept - 90% done!
31st August - blog half-way done

Comment and Chat

